Solar & Battery Health Check Inspections

Do you suspect that your system isn't working to its full capacity, if at all? A health check for your solar or battery system can help you get a better understanding on how your systems' performance with expert analysis and reporting.

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Solar health check

What's Included?

Get expert analysis of your solar system's overall health. We check your Inverter, Meter Box/Sub-board, Panels, and wiring for safety and operational checks to ensure your solar is producing what is expected.

Battery health check

What's Included?

We check all aspects of your battery, including its enclosure, components, modules, wiring & connections, and operational checks all to ensure optimal safety and performance.

Combined health check

What's Included?

Get a combined health check inspection to check that both your solar and battery systems are working properly in conjunction to one another, with visual and electrical testing.

*Prices are GST inclusive.

Is Your Solar System Really Working?

If you have had a home solar system for a longer period of time, now might be a good time to invest in a solar health check to ensure your system is working at optimal performance.

Your system may already have issues that could escalate, resulting in costly replacements and repairs.

Our SAA/CEC accredited, fully qualified solar electricians will come out to your Newcastle or Hunter property to analyse your systems’ condition and performance metrics. We check your system thoroughly from visual to electrical checks, and overall safety inspections.

Rooftop solar system
Fronius solar inverter service

What does a Solar Health Check involve?

To ensure your system is at maximum performance and safety, we check various system components to better understand conditions, and identify definite and potential issues.

If your system isn't producing what's expected of it, you could be losing out on savings from every day your system isn't working.

By investing in a health check, you ensure system issues are identified by professionals, fast-tracking problem-solving and getting your return-on-investment back on track asap.

Book in a Solar Health Check.

Simply fill this form out, and we'll call to book you in for a solar and/or battery health check!

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Why Book a Solar Site Inspection?

Booking a health check for your solar and/or battery storage can ensure maximum efficiency, error prevention, safety, and longevity.
Solar panel manufacturers like Trina Solar & JA Solar, recommend you get a preventative panel inspection regularly.

Even if your system seems completely fine, it's worth getting a professional to take a look over your system to ensure any invisible issues are detected early to avoid expensive replacements later.

Maximum Efficiency

By having an optimal solar system, you can meet return-on-investment timeframes faster and save more.

Error Prevention

Systems with errors can escalate into costly repairs and replacements. An inspection can identify those issues.

Longevity & Safety

We also check for compliance and that all components are installed and working correctly.

Inverter & MB Inspection

Our technician will check things including fault logs and the connections of your inverter, as well as safety and compliance checks of both the inverter and meter box.

Solar Panels & Mounting

Not only do we check your panels for things like deterioration, moisture penetration, and microcracking, but also mounting structural integrity and roof penetration inspections.

Electrical & Safety

In addition to system components, our team check electrical wiring for any water ingress, connector damage, as well as earthing and isolation checks.

Why Choose Elite Power Group?

Unlike other health check providers, our team have over 20 years’ experience in solar and electrical installations experience, SAA/CEC accreditation, as well as full Australian electrical licenses.

We not only visually inspect each individual panel, but we go through a series of checklists to ensure every aspect and component of your system is carefully looked over and tested.

If you own a Fronius inverter, Elite Power Group are Fronius Service Partners, specialising in installations and maintenance of Fronius Inverters and more.

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Solar Thermal Imaging Inspections

An optional add-on for solar health checks, is Thermal imaging & analysis, where a drone pilot will fly a drone over your roof and get its thermal readings.

Thermal imaging allows us to get a good look on your solar performance beyond basic line-of-site. This can help identify hot spots like bad cells and failed bypass diodes to find the best course of action to get your system back to optimal performance.

Thermal testing of solar panels Thermal solar health checkSolar panel hot spot inspection

Roof Check

Ensuring integrity in mounting, checking roof condition, sealant, and more.

Panel Check

Checking for moisture penetration, microcracking, hot spots etc.

Inverter Check

Identifying inverter fault logs, connections, conditions, and more.

Hailstorm Damage Analysis

If your house has recently endured a hailstorm, it is highly recommended to check your panels’ conditions and identify issues as soon as possible.

Quality, modern solar panels are designed with tempered glass to ensure ruggedness against hailstorms, but they aren’t indestructible. Depending on your systems’ age, your panels may have withstood many variations in weather, which can lead to moisture and debris to penetrate the panels’ surface.

Other damage like cracked or micro-cracked glass, delamination can all be other attributes to overall system damage after a hailstorm.

A solar health check allows for an in-depth look into your systems’ status with a detailed report, as well as a professional outlook and recommendations on how to proceed.

Hail damaged rooftop Solar
Drone solar inspection

Free Consultation & Recommendations

Part of health checks are helping you with expert opinions on how to proceed with various issues. We believe free consultation is key into helping our customers find the optimal solution for their unique properties, and that every problem should be addressed with the correct components.

The on-site electricians are knowledgeable and can provide suggestions based on your specific needs, budget, and energy requirements. However, our team won’t try sell you something you don’t need.

Our mission is to empower communities with solar and electrical solutions throughout the Newcastle & Hunter region.

In the same fashion as our installation quoting, we work with our clients to find the right solution the first time for the most efficient experience possible.


Compiling all the inspection data, we create a report detailing our findings. The report includes the details and photos from the inspection, as well as your overall system status with necessary recommendations.

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The One-Stop-Shop For All Electrical Needs

Not only are we specialists in solar power, but we pride ourselves in being leading installers in battery storage, as well as EV charging for homes and businesses. For solar and battery systems, we offer both on and off-grid solutions for a range of applications.

Local Solar Installers

Battery Storage

Installers of battery storage systems for solar energy storage. Maximise your solar investment with battery storage in Newcastle, Maitland, and Hunter.

Solar panel installation

EV Charging

Experts in both residential and commercial electric vehicle charging.

Install EV chargers where you park for ultimate recharging convenience and simplicity.

Solar Installer running cables

Off-Grid Systems

Never pay another electricity bill by going completely off-grid. Standalone, 100% off-grid solar and battery solutions available.