Electrical News Articles

Solar PV Panels vs. Hot Water Solar: Which is Better?☀️NSW

Explore the differences and if hot water solar or solar PV systems are better, along with heat pumps and electric water heaters for home savings in Australia.

AC vs. DC Electricity: What’s the Difference?⚡(With Examples)

The main difference between Alternating Current (AC) & Direct Current (DC), is that DC only flows in one direction, where AC flows in both. Here are examples..

Peak vs. Off-Peak Electricity: Best Times & Tariffs⚡2025

Explore the differences between on vs. off peak electricity, the best times to use energy, and the best hour tariffs to get the most out of your energy in NSW.

What is Single & Three Phase: What's the Difference?⚡2025

What is single vs. three phase and which is better? Discover the differences between 1 and 3-phase with real world electricity examples in Australia for 2025.

What are Virtual Power Plants (VPPs) in Australia?⚡[2025]

Discover how Virtual Power Plants (VPP's) are changing the way we produce, consume, and distribute energy throughout Australia through solar and battery.

Hot Water Systems & Heat Pumps⚡High Energy Bills?

The energy required to heat hot water is quite high and for most Australian households. Here are some strategies on how to save on your hot water heating bill.

Huge Nuclear Fusion Milestone in the US

After many decades of nuclear fusion research, US scientists have taken a huge leap in harnessing fusion, which is a massive step forward in the direction of producing unlimited clean energy for our future.

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